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GPT Personalize

Building Actions for Custom GPTs

A comprehensive guide on creating actions for your custom GPT models, complete with visual aids. From defining action schemas to configuring authentication, this tutorial covers everything you need to know to enhance your GPT's capabilities.

Creating custom actions for your GPT models can significantly enhance their functionality, allowing them to interact with external APIs and services. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of building these actions, from defining the action schema to configuring authentication and adding a privacy policy.

  1. Getting Started with Action Creation

    The first step in creating a custom action is to access the 'Create new action' button in the Configure pane. This initiates the process, opening the action modal where you'll define your action.

    Create New Action Button

    Clicking this button takes you to the action creation interface.

  2. Defining the Action Schema

    In the action modal, you'll see various settings for your action. The schema, which you must provide in either OpenAPI 3.1.0 JSON format or OpenAPI YAML format version 3.0.0, is critical. It defines your action's connection to external services and endpoints.

    New Action Modal Action Modal Example

    Here are examples in YAML and JSON formats to get you started.

  3. Viewing Available Actions

    After adding your schema, you can see the available actions that have been imported. This view lists each endpoint and its parameters, allowing you to test and refine them.

    Available Actions

  4. Adding Authentication (Optional)

    Some APIs require authentication. If needed, you can add this by clicking on the 'Add authentication' button. You have several options, including Basic, Bearer, API Key, Custom, and OAuth.

    Add Authentication OAuth Authentication

  5. Adding a Privacy Policy (Required for Public Release)

    If you plan to publish your action publicly or in the marketplace, it's mandatory to add a privacy policy. This is done by providing the URL to your privacy policy in the designated field.

    Add Privacy Policy

By following these steps, you can create custom actions that expand the capabilities of your GPT models, enabling them to interact with various APIs and services. This process not only enhances the functionality of your GPT but also allows for a more tailored and interactive user experience.

Stay tuned for more in-depth articles on GPT development and customization!

For more information on building custom GPT models and actions, visit OpenAI's GPT Documentation.